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Heels and Brogues


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Heels & Brogues Group offer recruitment, HR and employment law services to businesses across the North East. With a commitment to providing tailored and flexible employment packages, Heels & Brogues assist with every level of the employment process, from initial recruitment to payroll and HR services.

 Headshot of Helen Trueman-Howe from Heels and Brogues.

Helen Trueman-Howe

Company Director


Helen is an Entrepreneur, Super Connector and a co-founder of the North East Network, inspiring and empowering businesses to work productively and lucratively together.

Helen is responsible for the growth and success of numerous businesses who have benefited from her sales and networking expertise. She has made a number of motivational speeches that have encouraged other aspiring entrepreneurs and sales professionals to achieve their potential through the power of networking. Helen also has her own recruitment business, Heels and Brogues Group. As both recruitment manager and company director, Helen oversees all areas of the company, from business development to client relations.

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